Social Media Is Evolving.

It is growing up, and becoming that which it should have been all along.

For sensible, amicable, and down to earth folk.

Connecting people of like minds.

Making and meeting with real friends (not just virtual ones).

Building and supporting communities.

A safe sanctuary for all, without discrimination.

Self-policing, allowing you to dissuade and eliminate unsavoury characters and behaviours.

More of what you want

Advertise items for sale in our (unpolluted) Classifieds.

Sell your house or vehicle with our specialised selling platform.

Create a business account for promotion and advertising.

Find work.

Find trusted tradesfolk.

Find mutual social housing exchanges.

Report local Lost & Found.

Give and receive help in your local community.

Be anonymous.

Less of what you don't want

No suggestions of what we think you want, based on something else you have seen, done, or accidentally clicked on.

No second-guessing who you may know, or want to know (but really don't).

No data harvesting, nor selling.

Fewer, but more appropriate adverts.

Adverts in specific places and not popping up where you least expect them.

Eliminating clickbait.

Eliminating fake adverts and those promoting fake ideas or products.

Eliminating scams and scammers.

Eliminating spam and spammers.